The past is not waiting for us back there to recoup our identities against. It is always retold, rediscovered, reinvented. It has to be narrativized. We go to our own pasts through history, through memory, through desire, not as a literal fact.
Stuart Hall
Agata Łuksza
I am a theatre and performance scholar at the University of Warsaw, haunted by nineteenth century history.

Recent Highlights
- Durham, Durham!I have just returned from Durham, UK, where I participated in two academic conferences. At the Social History Society Conference, I discussed theatre fans in the 19th century within the context of emotions and affects (Theatre Fan History and the Power of Affects: Exploring Nineteenth-Century Theatre Fan Groups as Emotional Communities). I addressed the affective… Read more: Durham, Durham!
- On women’s theatre history in Cluj-NapocaI am still at the Universitatea Babes-Bolyai (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, where I had a privilege and pleasure to talk about feminism and theatre history in Central-Eastern Europe on the invitation of a brilliant colleague, prof. Cristina Modreanu. Cristina and a group of amazing Romanian scholars at the UBB have just started an ambitious project… Read more: On women’s theatre history in Cluj-Napoca
- Review in The Journal of Popular CultureIt is a wildly exciting moment for any author when her work takes on a life of its own, is read and interpreted by others, starts a dialogue, a discussion, an exchange. An insightful review of Polish Theatre Revisited has just appeared in The Journal of Popular Culture, written by Orel Beilinson from the Yale… Read more: Review in <i>The Journal of Popular Culture</i>