“Tort Marcello” in Warsaw!

Just in a few days, March 20th, I will be talking about Tort Marcello with my brilliant colleague from the Institute of Polish Culture and distinguished expert in the field of Polish nineteenth-century culture, prof. Małgorzata Litwinowicz-Droździel. Czytelnia Elektra (ul. Elektoralna 12, Warsaw) will host the meeting, providing us with cosy and inspiring space, coffee and tea. I am very much looking forward to this event which I perceive as an official premiere of my book and a unique occasion for celebration. It seems that Małgorzata is, like me, particularly fond of Chapter IV of Tort Marcello, which focuses on fangirls of Helena Modrzejewska, so expect A LOT OF talking about emotions, emancipation and rebellious fan practices.

Edit: March 18, I had a pleasure to talk (live!) with Beata Jewiarz in Radio dla Ciebie about my book and the forthcoming promotion in Elektra. You can listen to our 20-minutes conversation about Polish theatre audience in the nineteenth century here.






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