Category: Bez kategorii

  • Durham, Durham!

    I have just returned from Durham, UK, where I participated in two academic conferences. At the Social History Society Conference, I discussed theatre fans in the 19th century within the context of emotions and affects (Theatre Fan History and the Power of Affects: Exploring Nineteenth-Century Theatre Fan Groups as Emotional Communities). I addressed the affective…

  • On women’s theatre history in Cluj-Napoca

    I am still at the Universitatea Babes-Bolyai (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, where I had a privilege and pleasure to talk about feminism and theatre history in Central-Eastern Europe on the invitation of a brilliant colleague, prof. Cristina Modreanu. Cristina and a group of amazing Romanian scholars at the UBB have just started an ambitious project…

  • Review in The Journal of Popular Culture

    It is a wildly exciting moment for any author when her work takes on a life of its own, is read and interpreted by others, starts a dialogue, a discussion, an exchange. An insightful review of Polish Theatre Revisited has just appeared in The Journal of Popular Culture, written by Orel Beilinson from the Yale…

  • The History of European Theatre Podcast

    If you want to hear me talking about Warsaw theatre fans in the nineteenth-century and my book Polish Theatre Revisited, play on the most recent episode of The History of European Theatre Podcast. The Podcast, which I highly recommend not only to folks interested in theatre history, is run by Philipe Rowe, who turned out…

  • “Tort Marcello” on TV

    Tort Marcello made it into the news! April 3, 2024 my book was presented in a widely popular news program called Telexpress, which is broadcast daily at 5 p.m. on TVP 1. (Photo by Dayne Topkin) TVP 1 is the first channel of Telewizja Polska, a Polish public television station. As of 2022, Teleexpress is…

  • Unforgettable evening – Tort Marcello in Elektra

    Last week I talked about Tort Marcello with Małgorzata Litwinowicz-Droździel in the most welcoming space of Czytelnia Elektra. It was a truly memorable evening for me as I could finally celebrate in my beloved city with family, friends, colleagues and other members of the audience the material, tangible effect of many years of research about…

  • “Tort Marcello” Nominated for 2023 PTBT Book Award!

    This is huge news for me! I am super excited to announce that Tort Marcello has been nominated for the 2023 Book Award of Polish Society for Theatre Research (Polskie Towarzystwo Badań Teatralnych – PTBT). PTBT is the only association in Poland that aims at stimulating and popularizing Polish research about theatre and performance, both…

  • “Tort Marcello” in Warsaw!

    Just in a few days, March 20th, I will be talking about Tort Marcello with my brilliant colleague from the Institute of Polish Culture and distinguished expert in the field of Polish nineteenth-century culture, prof. Małgorzata Litwinowicz-Droździel. Czytelnia Elektra (ul. Elektoralna 12, Warsaw) will host the meeting, providing us with cosy and inspiring space, coffee…

  • Roundtable at the 2024 ATHE Conference

    I am curating a concurrent session Silenced Theatre Histories: Global Insights into Theatre, Colonialism and Race at the 2024 ATHE Conference. The Conference will take place at the Loews Atlanta Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, from Thursday – Sunday, August 1-4, 2024.  Together with Emily Sahakian (University of Georgia) and Sarah Adams (Utrecht University) we imagine…

  • “Tort Marcello” in Kraków

    I am super excited about the forthcoming promotion of “Tort Marcello” in Kraków! If you happen to be in Kraków this Wednesday, March 6th, please join me and Agnieszka Wanicka from the Jagiellonian University who will host the meeting in Księgarnia pod Globusem. I got a tip Agnieszka will ask me whether I prefer Marcello…